Business taxes, sole proprietorships, corporations, share holders, fictitious business names, tax write offs... What's it all about?
There are reasons why I had no clue what I wanted to do when I was 18. It forced me, by default, into a "jack-of-all-trades" type of degree program - Business Management and Administration. Consequently, this left me floating for a while. Floating, not sure what I was going to be doing, but knowing that I loved to ride bikes, and knowing that I loved to take pictures. Well, I'm almost 28, and becoming a pro-mountain biker just isn't in the cards for me. I have a family to care for, and traveling the world breaking bones on a bicycle isn't a move I'm willing to make, nor is it a move that I even want to make. So, what to do? Photography? YES.
Starting a business is scary, especially with 10 years in the legal field backing me up. All I see everyday are lawsuits. Frivolous and sensible. It's insane the shear amount of them. But I'm going to do it, and here is going to be the motivational picture I keep in the back of my head, along with the even more important motivational words of the late, great, Bruce Lee: